Kyle Canyon Slots Trail

The Hike

From the edge of Harris Springs Road or from Kyle Canyon Slots Trailhead, the route follows the wash upstream through the first slot. This slot is narrow, but short, and opens into a spot long used for primitive camping.

Following the wash upstream, the route winds between high walls formed from sand, gravel, and rocks washed down from the Spring Mountains during previous ice ages. When the climate warmed, the wash dried, and the alluvial particles stopped moving. Eventually the alluvial particles became cemented to form a type of conglomerate rock called fanglomerate (solidified alluvial fan materials). After the fanglomerate formed, occasional flash floods in the wash cut down through the fanglomerate, leaving sculpted walls and hoodoos here and lower in Kyle Canyon Wash.

Continuing upstream, the narrow canyon walls narrow again at the second slot. This slot is a bit deeper, narrower, and longer than the first, but it is short. Emerging into the sunlight on the far site, a use-trail continues upstream angling along the left wall of the canyon, and shortly it arrives at a T-intersection (Wpt. 02) with an old road.

The Kyle Canyon Slots Trail is a must for those that love checking out our state's craziest landscapes, and it's an adventure that'll definitely leave an impression. The Fletcher Canyon Trail is a beautiful hike nestled in the Mt. Charleston Wilderness Area, within an hour of the Las Vegas Strip. The hike is a gradual uphill through a pine forest along a (mainly dormant) stream and ends in Fletcher Canyon, a beautiful slot canyon with 200 feet walls, water-polished rocks, and great views of Mummy Mountain. Kyle Canyon is set against the majestic Spring Mountains National Recreation Area. It has more than 60 miles of well-maintained trails that begin at an elevation of more than 6,000 feet and ends at 11,916 feet at the Charleston Peak. The Slots of Lower Kyle Canyon 31 Miles to Vegas Once again, lace up your hiking boots for another trail! The Slots is a trail located off of the 157-E and leads you through unusual rock formations in the Nevada desert. A round trip is approximately 4.5 miles, so remember to stay hydrated.

Hiking in Mt. Charleston, Fletcher Canyon.


Fletcher Canyon Trailhead in the Spring Mountains National Recreational Area

This is a great hike, 1.8-2 miles one way, this is a relative easy hike. The starting elevation is at 6,822 ft and goes up to 7,610 ft to the narrow canyon. This hike is frequented by lots of hikers with their dogs. On one visit we saw over 20 different dogs with their owners. (If you bring your dog, make sure you pick up after your pets, thank you!) On the trail, you may cross a stream of cold mountain water (seasonal). Follow the foot path climbing up as the canyon walls narrow and you enter a slot canyon filled with living trees, ferns, wild roses; as well as debris (logs, rocks) washed down by flash floods. You will eventually dead end at an obstacle rock. This is the turn around point for most hikers. More adventurous hikers tell us you can get around the rock and continue on to Stanley B. Springs.


Time on Hike: 2-3 hours depending on your resting/downtime.


SR 157 at Fletcher Canyon Trailhead- looking up towards Kyle Canyon


Driving directions: 15 N from Las Vegas to 95 N toward Reno, W on SR 157 (Mt. Charleston – Kyle Canyon) 18.1 miles (which is 1/2 mile past junction with SR 158); look for small parking area and trailhead on R (N) side of road just before reaching the USFS Visitors Center. There is very limited parking

Kyle Canyon Slots Trail Map

Looking up at Fletcher Peak 10,319 ft / 3,145 m

Kyle Canyon Slots Trailer

GPS track of our hike, covered 4 miles up and back on the trail.