Raise Gambling Skill San Andreas
Stuck? Do you need a helping hand getting through Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas? Well fear not, VideoGamer.com has seventeen sets of cheats and related useful information within.
- All you gota do to raise your gambling skills is gamble lol. Use the blackjack tables within your gambling skill to upgrade it. He then flew around San Andreas buying every property that was.
- First of all to have the gambling skill at max I advice you to have enough money to loose although there is a small chance to have more money after enhancing this skill, but for that you will have to win at least once in the 100000$ level.
- To increase gambling skill keep going to the casino and wager a lot of money. But if you want to get more money back, find horseshoes around Las Venturas. They will increase your luck.
- Increase respect, money, driving skill and armor in vigilante missions Enable the 'Spawn Rhino tank' code and use it for the vigilante missions. When you reach level 12, your armor will increase to 150. Each time you kill a group of criminals, you will get money (on level 20 and over you will be winning $50,000 or more).
Cheats & Hints
Player Cheats:
Get Full Armor, Full Health & $250.000:
While playing, press HESOYAM.
Get Weapons:
While playing, press LXGIWYL.
Get Weapons:
While playing, press KJKSZPJ.
Get Weapons:
While playing, press UZUMYMW.
Full Ammo:
While playing, press WANRLTW.
Hitman Weapon Skill:
While playing, press NCSGDAG.
Maximum Vehicle Skill:
While playing, press VQIMAHA.
Maximum Muscles:
While playing, press JYSDSOD.
Maximum Body Fat:
While playing, press BTCDBCB.
Minimum Muscles and Body Fat:
While playing, press KVGYZQK.
Maximum Respect:
While playing, press OGXSDAG.
Maximum Sex Appeal:
While playing, press EHIBXQS1.
Maximum Lung Capacity:
While playing, press CVWKXAM.
Commit Suicide:
While playing, press SZCMAWO.
Never Get Hungry:
While playing, press AEDUWNV.
Slow Motion:
While playing, press LIYOAAY.
Fast Motion:
While playing, press PPGWJHT.
Faster Gameplay:
While playing, press PPGWJHT.
Lower Wanted Level:
While playing, press ASNAEB.
Raise Wanted Level:
While playing, press OSRBLHH.
Six Star Wanted Level:
While playing, press LJSPQK.
No Cops:
While playing, press AEZAKMI.
Get Gimp Suit and Attract Prostitutes:
While playing, press BEKKNQV.
Weapon Aiming while Driving:
While playing, press OUIQDMW.
Reqruit Anyone (with 9mm):
While playing, press SJMAHPE.
Reqruit Anyone (with Rockets):
While playing, press ZSOXFSQ.
GTA San Andreas - Increasing gambling skill to $100 000, at 5:01 we finally win our bet for $350k:-) Incresing skill to 1 mil max bet: https://youtu.be/kP9r.
Pedestrian Cheats:
Crazy Pedestrians:
While playing, press AJLOJYQY.
Pedestrians hate you:
While playing, press BGLUAWML.
Pedestrians have weapons:
While playing, press FOOOXFT.
Elvis Pedestrians:
While playing, press ASBHGRB.
Weather Cheats:
Normal Weather:
While playing, press AFZLLQLL.
Rainy Weather:
While playing, press AUIFRVQS.
Sunny Weather:
While playing, press ICIKPYH.
Overcast Weather:
While playing, press ALNSFMZO.
Foggy Weather:
While playing, press CFVFGMJ.
Sand Storm:
While playing, press CWJXUOC.
Orange Sky and time stopped at 21.00:
While playing, press OFVIAC.
Nightand time stopped at 00.00:
While playing, press XJVSNAJ.
Spawn Cheats:
Spawn Parachute:
While playing, press AIYPWZQP.
Spawn the Stretch:
While playing, press KRIJEBR.
Spawn the Rancher:
While playing, press JQNTDMH.
Spawn the Bloodring Banger:
While playing, press CQZIJMB.
Spawn the Hotring Racer 1:
While playing, press PDNEJOH.
Spawn the Hotring Racer 2:
While playing, press VPJTQWV.
Spawn the Trashmaster:
While playing, press UBHYZHQ.
Spawn the Rhino:
While playing, press AIWPRTON.
Spawn the Romero Hearse:
While playing, press AQTBCODX.
Spawn the Caddy (golf cart):
While playing, press RZHSUEW.
Spawn the Jet Pack:
While playing, press YECGAA.
Spawn the Monster Truck:
While playing, press AGBDLCID.
Spawn the Quadbike:
While playing, press AKJJYGLC.
Spawn the Hydra:
While playing, press JUMPJET.
Spawn the Stunt Plane:
While playing, press URKQSRK.
Spawn the Hovercraft:
While playing, press KGGGDKP.
Spawn the Dozer:
While playing, press EEGCYXT.
Spawn the Hunter:
While playing, press OHDUDE.
Spawn the Tanker:
While playing, press AMOMHRER.
Traffic Cheats:
Explode All Cars:
While playing, press CPKTNWT.
Turn Cars Black:
While playing, press IOWDLAC.
Turn Cars Pink:
While playing, press LLQPFBN.
Jump higher:
While playing, press LFGMHAL.
Increased bunny hop with the BMX:
While playing, press JHJOECW.
Aggressive Traffic:
While playing, press YLTEICZ.
Improve Car Handling:
While playing, press PGGOMOY.
Invisible Cars:
While playing, press XICWMD.
Always Green Traffic Lights:
While playing, press ZEIIVG.
Sports Cars Traffic:
While playing, press GUSNHDE.
Reduced Traffic:
While playing, press THGLOJ.
Taxi Upgrade:
While playing, press VKYPQCF.
Beach Party Mode:
While playing, press CIKGCGX.
Yakuza Mode:
While playing, press IOJUFZN.
Clown Mode:
While playing, press PRIEBJ.
Cars Float Away When Hit:
While playing, press BSXSGGC.
Flying Cars:
While playing, press RIPAZHA.
Flying Boats:
While playing, press AFSNMSMW.
Invisible Cars:
While playing, press XICWMD.
Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
Download: Gang Tags Map(via CheatHappens)
Shows locations of graffiti tags in Los Santos. See the Featured Guide for detailed information and screenshots.
Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
Download: Horseshoes Map(via CheatHappens)
Shows locations of horseshoes in Las Venturas. See the Featured Guide for detailed information and screenshots.
Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
Download: Las Venturas Map(via CheatHappens)
Shows locations of properties, ammu-nations, two player mode icons and more in Las Venturas. JPEG format.
Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
Download: Los Santos Map(via CheatHappens)
Shows locations of properties, ammu-nations, two player mode icons and more in Los Santos. JPEG format.
Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
Download: Oysters Map(via CheatHappens)
Shows locations of hidden oysters. See the Featured Guide for detailed information and screenshots.
Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
Download: San Fierro Map(via CheatHappens)
Shows locations of properties, ammu-nations, parachute icons and more in San Fierro. JPEG format.
Raise Gambling Skill San Andreas Pc
Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
Download: Snapshots Map(via CheatHappens)
Shows locations of snapshots in San Fierro. See the Featured Guide for detailed information and screenshots.

Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
Download: Trainer(via CheatHappens)
Rich Pedestrians, Get Thug's Weapons, All Cars have NOS, Freeze Timer, Get Prof Weapons, Get Nutter Weapons, No Police, Unlimited Health/Ammo/O2, more. +11 options.
Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
Download: Trainer(via CheatHappens)

Quick Cheat. Assign hotkeys to cheats so that you can activate them quickly while playing.
Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
Download: Trainer(via CheatHappens)
Teleport to all Oyster, Horseshoe, Tag locations. Full Garage Editor for installation of wheels, nitro, hydraulics and stereo. Take screenshots, copy replays. Includes all standard cheat options such as unlimited health, armor, money, etc. 113 options total.
Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
Download: Trainer 3.0 Steam(via CheatHappens)
God Mode, Add $50.000, Unlimited Ammo, Unlimited Nitro. Made exclusively for Cheat Happens Unlimited members. WRITTEN FOR THE PATCHED 3.0 (STEAM) VERSION OF THE GAME. May not work with all versions. Read the included readme file with Notepad for important instructions on using the trainer.
Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
Download: Savegame(via CheatHappens)
Unlock All Cities.

Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
Download: Savegame(via CheatHappens)
Unlock All Missions, Locations, Cars, Weapons and Get $99 Million Cash.
Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
Download: Savegame(via CheatHappens)
100% completion, special weapons, tuned car in all your garages, all bikes at your airport, all 6 girlfriends at 100%, own all clothes/houses/buildings, pimp level, courier missions completed, get out of jail free with all weapons, all enemy territories are yours, all bonus missions completed, all oysters & horseshoes collected, all 50 photos taken, all tags painted + more.
Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
Download: Featured Guide(via CheatHappens)
Featured Guide v0.96. Get information on hidden items, bonus missions, unique jumps and much more. Features a detailed walkthrough, maps and more.
Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
Download: Secret Locations(via CheatHappens)
Map showing all secret locations in the game.
Raise Gambling Skill San Andreas Free
Edited 10/06/2011 - 5:04pm
Gambling is the wagering of money on an event with uncertain outcomes with intent to win additional money.
- 2GTA San Andreas
- 2.3Activities
GTA Vice City
The ability to wager money is first introduced in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, when the player must pay entrance fees for Vice Street Racer events, with a set limit on how much he or she can bet, and perform well enough in the races to break even.
GTA San Andreas
Raise Gambling Skill San Andreas Game
In Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas more activities were available that the player can take part in to wager money on in order to gain more money if the player wins the activity or lose the money wagered if the player loses the activity. With it's expansion in GTA San Andreas the chances of losing/winning are more probable.
Gambling skill
In GTA San Andreas, the player can increase the gambling skill of Carl Johnson by spending money at the casinos. The skill increases by 1 for every $100 spent up to a maximum skill of 1000. There are certain activities that bars the player from playing due to a low gambling skill, such as the Wheel of Fortune, which only allows those who could at least wager a maximum of $10,000.
Percentage | Skill level | Max wager or borrow |
1 | Gambler | $1,000 |
5 | Professional | $10,000 |
10 | Hi-roller | $100,000 |
100 | Whale | $1,000,000 |
Raise Gambling Skill San Andreas Download
When the player runs out of money (having $0), the player can borrow money from the casino when playing at a casino table (an amount of borrowed money corresponds with the player's wager on the table), leading to a negative money value. The amount allowed to borrow in each round at the table is based in how high the gambling skill is; the higher the skill the more is allowed to borrow. Borrowing money puts the player in 'debt', resulting in the player receiving phone calls from the loaner about returning their money once the player leaves a casino.
If the player fails to repay their debt after a significant amount of time, the player will be persistently attacked by four shotguns and M4s-armed gunmen in a Sentinel whenever they are in Las Venturas, until they repay their debt.
Name | Image | Description |
Blackjack | In-game the actual rules of blackjack apply except for splitting. The goal is to get as close to 21 as the player possibly can. Each two players start out with two cards. After the cards are dealt they are given the choice to either hit (receive new cards) or stand (stay with the cards in their hands). If one goes over 21 then they are bust. Acquiring a blackjack (an ace, and a card equivalent to 10) will award the player with double the payout, but if the casino gains a blackjack normal payout occurs. Receiving five cards without going over 21 still works. Also sometimes what is called a push can occur, when both players have the same number amount in cards and both get their money back. | |
Roulette | Rules for roulette are similar to rules in the real version. Players place chips on numbers, as well as number sets, number pairs, odds or evens and red or black. if the ball lands on the number, nunber set, pair, or color you chose you gain a payoff on your money. Each choice has a certain 'Multiplier' with the green 0 having the highest payoff. | |
Slot machines | Slot machine are another source of gambling. While pretty standard, the slot machines can give the player a range of currency from a small amount to a substantial amount. The price to play a certain machine can vary. The amount of money the player can attain depends on the symbols. Playing these do not increase the gambling skill. | |
Video poker | Video poker follows conventional poker rules where the player's winning is dependent on the final combination of cards they have in hand. When the player begins a round, they are given a set of five cards, which they can choose to retain ('hold') for the second deal; cards that are not held will be exchanged with other cards in the second deal. If the final set of five cards contains any poker hands listed on the screen, the player receives a win consisting of the wager multiplied (between 1 to 4000) depending on the poker hand and the amount wagered. | |
Wheel of Fortune | As in roulette, you put money on spots on a board. However, here you can only pick from 5 spots- $1, $5, $10, $20, and the star. The payout for each space is shown by the dollar amount (the star is $40)—the dollar amount is the payoff for each dollar wagered—for example, betting $1 on the $20 spot and winning will give $20. Once done betting, the wheel will be spun. If the wheel lands on the space bet on, the player will earn money. If not, the player loses the money bet. |
GTA Chinatown Wars
In Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, scratch cards are available for purchase with the posibility of winning anything from money to food (health) and weapons. However, due to scratch cards having a minimum prize that is worth the buying prize of a scratch card, there is generally no significant drawback buying scratch cards.