Rsg Gambling Incident Report
- Rsg Gambling Incident Report Template
- Rsg Gambling Incident Report Example
- Rsg Gambling Incident Reporting
- Rsg Gambling Incident Report Sample
Send periodic reports to the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) on exclusion notices, orders and directions, and revocation notices (these reports must be received by OLGR within 14 working days of the end of June and December each year) notify OLGR of any contravention of orders and directions within 7 days. The distribution and use of an incident report will depend on, to some extent, who prepares the report and for what reason. At the workplace level, the report is likely to be prepared by a safety officer or person delegated to manage safety, together with a report from the elected worker health and safety representative (if any).
The CLO will record details of the complaint and action taken in a Gambling – Related Incident Report. 2.7 The venue staff have received training from the Gambling Help Service and include the GHS in ongoing staff training in responsible gambling. CSi has developed a strong partnership with our local Relationships Australia branch. A Gambling Related Incident Report Book, which staff can use to document gambling related issues and any potential signs or indicators of problem gambling behaviour, can be useful in determining any emerging patterns or recurring issues for a customer over an extended period. Slide 12 of 14 Next Back Problem Gambling. Question: What happens if I am suspended or banned from GTA Online?Answer: GTA Online suspensions are triggered by a number of factors, including modding in GTA Online, exploiting or abusing game mechanics, manipulating protected game data and code, or interfering with other players’ gameplay experience.Suspensions from GTA Online due to these reasons may be temporary suspensions.
Are you concerned that someone you know has a gambling problem, but not sure what type of things to look for? Knowing the warning signs can help you decide what action to take.
It is common to notice changes in the person's finances, mood and behaviour or how they spend their time.
Financial signs
Some common financial warning signs that someone may have a problem with gambling include:
- Money missing from bank accounts, wallet/purse or money jar
- Household items and valuables missing
- Regularly short of money even though they earn a wage
- Borrowing money on a regular basis
- Having many loans at the one time
- Being secretive about financial records or payslips
- Unpaid bills/disconnection notices
- Lack of food in the house.
Mood and behavioural signs
When someone develops a gambling problem, there are often noticeable changes to their mood and behaviour, including:
- Becoming withdrawn from others/family events
- Performance at work is being affected
- Seeming worried, agitated or upset for no apparent reason
- Reporting feeling hopeless, depressed, frustrated or suicidal
- Changes in personality - sleeping, eating, or sexual relationship patterns
- Controlling and/or manipulative behaviour
- Using threats, lies or charm to manipulate others.
Time related signs
Some common time-related signs that could indicate someone has a problem with gambling include:
- Spending more and more time gambling
- Being secretive about unexplained absences
- Often being late for commitments
- Taking a lot of sick days or days off
- Taking an unusual amount of time for simple tasks (e.g. taking two hours to get the paper from the shops).
Remember gambling behaviour is often hidden
It can be difficult to know if someone has a problem with gambling. Initially we may not want to believe that someone we know or love has a problem with gambling.
It can also be difficult to detect a gambling problem, because many people who gamble do not show their feelings and may lie or get angry if questioned about their behaviour.
People sometimes say they feel that they should have noticed sooner, but remember the person gambling may have gone to great lengths to hide it from you.
Once you have noticed there are many ways we can help you and the person gambling – why not start chatting to one of our Counsellors today, it’s free, confidential and available 24/7:
Rsg Gambling Incident Report Template
Incident registers
An incident register is a record of certain types of incidents that occur at a licensed venue.
An incident register is mandatory if you are the licensee of a venue that is:
- authorised to sell or supply liquor after midnight at least once a week on a regular basis
- located in the Kings Cross or Sydney CBD Entertainment precincts – with the exception of packaged liquor licences or on-premises licences without a PSA, and is not a theatre or cinema
- listed as a declared premises under Schedule 4 of the Liquor Act 2007
- required to have an incident register imposed by a specific licence condition.
Maintaining an incident register will give you a better understanding of events that affect the safety of your venue and patrons.
It will also help you to develop appropriate strategies to reduce the risk of alcohol-related violence and anti-social behaviour at your venue.
We encourage all licensees to maintain an incident register even if it is not a requirement for your venue. They are a useful compliance tool, and can form part of your venue's responsible practice.
You should procedures in place to ensure your incident register is carefully maintained. You may delegate this responsibility to managers or other key staff at your venue. However, it is the legal obligation of the licensee and approved manager to ensure the incident register is appropriately maintained.
The types of incidents you must record in your register are outlined in Section 56 of the Liquor Act 2007 and Section 42 in the Liquor Regulation 2018
Incidents that must be recorded are incidents that involve:
- violence or anti-social behaviour at your venue
- violence or anti-social behaviour occurring in the immediate vicinity of your venue and involve a person who has recently left or been refused entry to your premises
- someone being asked to leave under section 77 of the Liquor Act
- a patron needing medical assistance
- the possession or use of suspected prohibited drugs/plants on the premises.
Venues should also report other things that help you gain a more complete understanding of events that affect the safety of your venue and patrons, and incidents that affect your venue's operations:
- entry refusals: including minors, suspected intoxication, insufficient identification
- requests for self exclusion
- compliance issues: including missing RSA competency cards, faulty gaming machines and disturbance complaints
- WHS issues
- Public liability cases.
Your incident register should also record the details of all incidents that occur outside of the standard trading period for your licence type.
You are required to record the details of all incidents regardless of the time of day at which they occur if your venue is:
- located in the Kings Cross or Sydney CBD Entertainment precincts – with the exception of packaged liquor licences or on-premises licences without a PSA, and is not a theatre or cinema
- listed as a declared premises under Schedule 4 of the Act.
You must also record the details of any action you take in response to an incident. An incident register can be in paper or digital form.
As licensee or approved manager, educate your staff about the value of maintaining an incident register so they understand its importance in supporting a safe and responsible venue.
Regularly reviewing how you record incidents with staff, as soon as possible after each incident, will help you to be consistent and accurate.
Mandatory venues
Rsg Gambling Incident Report Example
Venues in the Kings Cross or Sydney CBD Entertainment precincts, must maintain an incident register in a format approved by us.
Venues are permitted to maintain an incident register in either bound book or digital format. If you choose to use a digital form of incident register then you may stop entering incidents in the paper book register.
Through consultation with industry, we designed a user-friendly format with two parts:
- the incident log book
- the incident report book.
Registers are A4 size and wire bound for durability. Flexible plastic covers protect against spillages or damp surfaces.
We recommend using the approved incident register book available from us or a digital incident register matching the requirements of the physical incident register, rather than creating a format of your own that may not be compliant.
The use of digital incident registers is encouraged for licensed venues across NSW and has been approved, provided:
- the content requirements match the physical incident register
- it records the time and date of any entry of data to the digital register.
Voluntary venues
If your venue is not in a precinct, you can use any of the following:
- The incident register available from us
- Any bound book with pre-numbered pages and the same incident report content areas as the our incident register
- An digital register provided it contains the same content as our incident register and records the time and date of any entry of data to the digital register.
The digital incident register (DIR) register must include pre-designated fields for recording information on the above reportable incident types. Venues may choose to record details of other, less serious incidents for best practice.
Any DIR must display the following information on its screen directly before or after user login:
“The law requires all licensed venues in the Kings Cross and CBD precincts to keep an incident register at all times.”
The DIR must include mandatory, voluntary and/or pre-filled fields with standardised text. The required fields include - but are not limited to:

- date and time
- location
- incident type
- capacity for recording additional details when reporting on mandatory incident types1
- incident details, actions taken/summary outcomes
- witness details and
- persons of interest details.
Rsg Gambling Incident Reporting
All required incidents must be entered in the DIRas soon as possible after the event and within one hour.
A more detailed account must be completed as soon as possible, and within six hours. This should outline any reportable incident that involves violence, anti-social behaviour, when patrons are asked to leave, or when an injury occurs that requires medical assistance.
Required software security and data integrity features
Software for an DIR must provide the following features:
- ability to restrict access to approved staff members or users - via username/password or other means
- a system for managing an approved user list - creating and deleting approved users
- ability to support multiple approved users
- automatic system log out after a set period of inactivity
- automatic assignment of an unalterable, sequenced unique identifier for each incident record
- automatic assignment of unalterable real-time dates and times for each register entry and updates
- mandatory date and time fields for incidents
- automatic assignment of an approved user name - via login - to each entry which includes incident reporting and updates
- no capacity to delete or edit existing incident records, but allows relevant information to be added at a later date
- an audit trail capacity that ensures all versions of any incident are saved and available for review upon request. For example an audit trail that ensures all versions are saved and can be viewed separately
- ability to flag incomplete entries for reportable incidents
- ability to flag entries for reportable incidents where details were not recorded as soon as practicable (e.g. full details after six hours of occurring).
Any information recorded in the DIR, and any reports generated from it, must be able to be:
- made immediately available upon request by a police officer or inspector
- copied, printed or sent digitally so that it can be removed from the venue upon request by a police officer or inspector, and
- retained for a period for a least three years from when the record was made.
Licensed venues must be able to access any digital data records upon request regardless of any contractual arrangements with the software or internet provider. Venues may choose to download their DIR onto their own digital devices or print out paper-based versions of incident reports.
Rsg Gambling Incident Report Sample
The DIR software must also:
- support search and reporting functions for extracting incident records by date, time, date and time range, day of week, year, incident type, reportable incidents, flagged incidents, system user
- be able to be exported, upon request, in an appropriate digital form (excel or CSV) with each incident assigned to an individual row.
Our compliance inspectors and police review incident registers when they audit a licensed premises. You may face prosecution if you don't maintain your incident register properly.
Purchase an incident register
Incident registers cost $20 and can be ordered in two ways:
- visiting the NSW Government's online shop – Liquor & Gaming online shop.
Bulk orders
Discounts are available for bulk orders of 100 or more. Please contact us if you wish to make a bulk order.
Contact us
T: 1300 024 720 Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm